Month: September 2022

Weekly Blog 2

  • What is digital identity?
  • Digital identity is an extension of a person online. It Is their digital footsteps and footprints all over the internet. For example, an online Facebook profile or Instagram profile is the person posting about their everyday life, their thoughts, and their interests. It is an online expression and summary of who you are via text, comments, pictures, ideas you share. 
  • How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?
  • Personal approaches to digital identity would be using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and so on to create a digital version of yourself. It is like an extension of yourself shared on the internet where it can reach a lot of users that would potentially want to connect with you as well. On the other hand, professional approaches to digital identity is when an organization, business, or company is making a digital identity for them to promote their company or to attract potential consumers. The differences between personal and professional is that the latter is to increase potential revenue for their company from selling their goods and services online. On the flip side, personal is to gain a bigger audience or to meet new friends online by sharing your personal insight on topics that are popular during that time.
  • How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are the impacts and/or benefits?
  • Digital identities in networked publics make it possible to talk to literally anyone anywhere in the world by just connecting with them on the same platform. The benefits is it brings the whole world together and connects everyone online so easily. However, the impacts it has is digital identities could be made up and fake. Therefore this could have dire consequences like having fake digital identities exist. For example, fake instagram accounts pretending to be a famous celebrity and trying to ask his audience to send him money in exchange for an all inclusive trip. Many benefits come from having digital identities to help the world connect better. But with better connectivity comes bigger risk of false identities and information.

Weekly Blog 1

What does it mean to network using social media?

Social media is used as a platform for people to connect with others. Social media like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIN, and others are used for people all around the world to connect with others that share similar interests. You can create a bigger social network or network circle by meeting and connecting with new people by adding them. Similar to making friends at school, social media acts as a virtual environment for people to talk and chat without even having the need to meet.

 How are we motivated to participate in networked publics? 

We are motivated to participate in networked publics as they become increasingly popular. Each public network has their own unique attributes that attract their users to use them. Snapchat is an example of using disappearing messages to attract users to focus on the chat before it vanishes. Instagram focuses on small picture blocks that express each user differently. While LinkedIn is more solely focused on linking users with potential companies that are hiring which give users a motivation to build their “resume” on the website as a profile.

 What are the risks & rewards of public communications? 

The biggest rewards of public communications is the ability to easily connect with anyone anywhere in the world. The possibly to meet new people increases significantly as well. However the risks are for personal information to be given to strangers and possibly have unwanted people try to connect with you. For personal information to be so readily available to others on the web is probably the biggest risk public communication has. However, taking precautions can help with reducing risk by limiting the amount of personal information that others can see.


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